Fishing enthusiasts come and tease the fish at Lake Paladru, at the Curtet pond in Voiron, at the Vivier pond in Valencogne, along the Fure or on the banks of Guiers Vif and Guiers mort (Isère and Savoie ) !
Day fishing card, holiday card for 7 consecutive days, annual card ... To enjoy your outing with complete peace of mind, you will find all the useful information here.

Fishing places

For each site, find the prices, opening periods and fishing conditions.

Pêche au Lac de Paladru

Fishing at Lac de Paladru

Pêche dans les étangs et rivières publics du Pays Voironnais

Fishing in the public ponds and rivers of the Pays Voironnais

Pêche dans la Haute Fûre Val d’Ars

Fishing in Haute Fûre Val d’Ars

Learn about the practice of fishing

Cours d’initiation à la pêche
Sports activity

Initiation to fishing course

What if you took part in a study on Pike?

The Isère Fishing Federation is launching a study on pike populations at Paladru lakes and Laffrey, with the aim of understanding and halting the observed decline of the species. Several areas will be explored: growth, repopulation efficiency, genetics and reproduction.

For this, the Federation wishes to rely on local fishermen for scale, otolith and genetic sampling campaigns, but also for future observations, particularly of fish from restocking.

Are you volunteers? Go to thearticle posted online on the Federation website to find out how to participate.