21 March 2025
Le Grand Angle 6 rue du Moulinet, 38500 Voiron
from 20:00 PM til 21PM
At the height of his art, Molière stuns us. In the moment that Don Juan experiences it, his love seems powerful and authentic. In the next moment, he is able to love someone else just as strongly.
Who doesn't dream of crazy love?
Who doesn't need love? Don Juan scandalizes and fascinates with his elegance, his insolence and his audacity, but also with his disrespectful behavior and his quest for freedom. This duality between the character's appeal and the horror he can inspire is at the heart of the play, questioning our values and challenging our ideals.
Don Juan a heart to love the whole earth
Imaginary Travel Agency
Design of the show: Valérie Bournet and Philippe Car
Direction and scenography: Philippe Car with Jessy Avril, Ivan Bougnoux, Valérie Bournet, Nicolas Delorme and Lucien Duntze
Musical compositions: Vincent Trouble and Nicolas Delorme
Lights: Julo Etievant
Costume Workshop: Aminata - Tambacounda (Senegal)
Set construction and costume design: Agence de Voyages Imaginaires
Adaptation and writing after Molière, Michel de Ghelderode, Tirso de Molina and Edmond Rostand: Philippe Car and Yves Fravega
Assistant director: Laurence Bournet
Further information : Free placement
Full price: €20, Reduced price: €17, Member: €14 (Young subscriber: €10
Solidarity subscriber: €10), Adult: €12 (Solidarity), Child (12 years): €10, Student: €12 (Youth -26 years).
- Minimum age: 8 years
Home of animals
- Animals accepted: No