10 Janvier 2025
Le Grand Angle 6 rue du Moulinet, 38500 Voiron
from 20:00 PM til 22PM
With The Odyssey of the Voice, Michaël Gregorio, accompanied by his musicians, takes us on a grandiose show mixing humor, vocal performances and emotions.
In this experimental journey, Michaël Gregorio invites us to explore the voice in all its diversity: from pop to rap, from rock to classical music, from jazz to death metal,... But if we pull too hard, this voice sometimes breaks.
There's nothing like a jump into the image to retrace your steps, from Chaplin's silent cinema to musical comedies.
Image and sound come together in a universe of cult songs and voices that we revisit with enchantment.
Category 1: Full price: €59, Subscriber, youth subscriber, solidarity subscriber: €56, Child under 12: €56
Category 2 (Balcony): €53
Home of animals
- Animals accepted: No