On a boat or from the banks, come to Lake Paladru to tease the fish! Classified in the 2nd category, it is the cradle of many species of fish. Lavaret, lake trout, pike, perch, carp, red grayling ... Get your rods and good fishing!

To be in good standing

I fish during the day

Fishing is authorized, as for navigation, during the day: half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset. Night fishing is prohibited!

I have my license

You must have your registered fishing license, otherwise you risk being fined. There are many different formulas and prices: day permit, holiday permit, annual card, etc.

Good to know

I buy my fishing license online on www.cartedepeche.fr or tothe Tourist Office (Voiron or Charavines).

Good to know

Lake Paladru is reciprocal, you can fish from the shore with the Isère license or the Interfederal license!

To fish on the lake by boat, your license must include the right to fish by boat and you must have the navigation right for your boat.

I respect the fishing periods

If amateurs can pull their line all year round, however, be careful to respect the fishing periods for certain species! To learn more about the species present at Lake Paladru, consfollow this little guide.


Attention: No trout fishing in the lake until 2027
Arctic char: from the 2nd Saturday in February to the last Sunday in October
Lavaret: from the 2nd Saturday in February to the last Sunday in October
Pike: From the last Saturday in April to December 31
Open all year round for other fish.

Do not hesitate to inquire more precisely with the AAPPMA du lac de Paladru, www.paladrupeche.fr

In Voironnais country, fishing is also in ponds or rivers!

