The Pays Voironnais Trails Series is 6 passionate organizations that have joined forces since 2024 to bring you the best of trail running, all year round in its territory, with the support of the Pays Voironnais destination. The challenge will include 7 races from 2025! We'll have to run a little more 🙂

The 1st edition of the PVTS in 2024 was a great success over its 6 races! Congratulations to the finishers and all 5 participants! Building on this enthusiasm shared between organizers and runners, the PVTS will host a new race in 400 for its 2025nd edition!

In this section:

What is the Pays Voironnais Trail Series challenge?

How to participate in the 2025 challenge?

The PVTS, a challenge open to businesses and athletics clubs

What are the prizes to be won by participating in the challenge?

The results of the 2024 challenge

The ambassadors of the 2024 challenge, inhabitants of the territory

What is the Pays Voironnais Trail Series challenge?

  • 7 races on a human scale, 7 organizations and 7 very distinct identities, shared values,
  • Short trail formats, from 19 to 32 km, accessible to a large majority of trail runners,
  • D+, D-, trails, varied technical skills, breathtaking views,
  • A multitude of hills, an approach to the Chartreuse and a splendid Paladru lake,
  • A 7-stage challenge spread throughout the year, from the beginning of March to the end of October,
  • An innovative ranking, a reward system for the elite at the end of the peloton,
  • A possibility of also evolving as a team thanks to its corporate challenge,
  • Nouveauté 2025 : valoriser son Club d’athlétisme avec le challenge Club,
  • Competition and conviviality, in short, only happiness!
Location of the 7 PVTS races

In short, the Pays Voironnais Trail Series is a challenge circuit including the 7 trail events in the Pays Voironnais territory, in Isère. Through this challenge, you will discover a rich territory, a magnificent environmental diversity, an exceptional history and cultural heritage... A paradise for elite and amateur trail runners.

Find the 2025 PVTS regulation online in which you will also find the possibilities of reducing your total points by completing races close together in time: the combos of the individual challenge.

How to participate in the 2025 challenge?

Pour prendre part au challenge individuel, il vous faut participer à au moins 4 des 7 courses du Pays Voironnais Trail Series avec, à la clé, des récompenses pour tous ! Concrètement, inscrivez-vous à chaque course en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessous :

Frise chronologique des 7 courses du PVTS sur l'année
Timeline of the 7 PVTS races over the year

1. Sacred Trail of the Tullins Hills

Le March 16, 2025 (usually the 2nd or 3rd Sunday in March) in Tullins, the trail meets history with the Sacred Trail of the Hills organized by CMI “Coureurs du Monde en Isère”. Departures and arrivals take place at the Clos des Chartreux in Tullins, former wine estate of the Carthusian monks, in a park planted with trees more than a hundred years old and with magnificent stained glass windows. Magic !

To participate in the Pays Voironnais Trail Series Challenge, you will need to complete the short trail of 27km and 1150m elevation gain with the sacred hill of Parménie, the foothills of the Chambaran forest and a view of the Isère valley and the Vercors massif as a backdrop. And picturesque sites like the Troussatière ponds, the Roche-Corbière gorges, the Mont de la Pique…

2. Paladru Lake Trail

Le Paladru Lake Trail takes place on the 3rd weekend of April, i.e. 20 April 2025, on the banks of Lake Paladru. It's the ultimate start-of-season trail with routes for all tastes and objectives. The landscapes and the setting will provide the final touch for spending a beautiful day or weekend in our territory.

The course of 32 km has 1000m of elevation gain, called the “hauts lac” route, it will allow you to complete its complete tour with exceptional views. A rolling but demanding course, it will be a great challenge or a great preparation for your objectives.

3. Circuit de la Sure Trail

Le Sure Circuit Trail takes place on 8rd June 2025 (usually the 1st or 2nd Sunday in June) departing from Voiron. The Circuit de la Sure trail is an invitation to discover the Pays Voironnais and the Chartreuse massif, through its landscapes, its inhabitants and all its other riches. Each year, several options are offered so that each trail runner can find what they are looking for but always with the same objective of discovery and pleasure with unique trails, exceptional Chartrousin landscapes, local products, a festive and friendly atmosphere, etc.

Stage 3 of the Pays Voironnais Trail Series, this route 31km and 1m D+ will help you discover our beautiful region like you've never seen it before! And always the same goal: to perform, surpass yourself and have fun!

4. F2V Strides of Voreppe

The Strides of Voreppe take place on 15rd June 2025 (usually the 2nd or 3rd Sunday in June) to Voreppe. This event is becoming an unmissable event in the town for all those who love sport, conviviality and good humor! An event which brings together many associations from Voreppe: COREPHA, the blood donor association, the MJC, the Traders' Union, etc. The profits will go to a local charity promoting integration.

The magnificent “La Chalaisienne” trail 21Km and 1m elevation gain will take you to the Belvedere of Chalais and you will discover breathtaking landscapes of the Vercors and Grenoble. Particular care was taken with the layout. It will allow runners to explore the most beautiful trails in the town. Almost half of the course is located in the magnificent Chartreuse Regional Park, a partner of the race.

5. Crossey’s natural stride

Crossey's Stride is one of the oldest races in the Isère department! The test, which takes place on 5 October 2025 (1st Sunday in October), brings together in Saint-Etienne-de-Crossey a wide audience, from the youngest to the most experienced runners.

To participate in the Pays Voironnais Trail Series, you will need to complete the route 22km (1D+) through the wooded paths of the town. Passing by the Croix Saint-Denis or at the foot of the Vouise, come and discover a friendly race where all the profits are donated to the Sou des Écoles of the town.

6. Trail du Buis La Buisse

LThe Buis Trail takes place on 12 October 2025 (every year, the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of October) at La Buisse still with three Trail formulas and one Nordic Walking. The event is above all intended to be very friendly and family-friendly, with the beautiful Grand Ratz site as its setting. The general objective of the Trail du Buis association, in addition to the animation of the village, is to highlight the heritage of La Buisse and the surrounding communities through hiking trails and nature reserves. The association thus allows the maintenance of certain paths forgotten because they are little used, this is the case of the Ventelon and Plantées paths which have been rehabilitated thanks to the efforts of the town hall of La Buisse and Pays Voironnais.

The race counting towards the Pays Voironnais Trail Series is the short trail of 21 km and 1 m elevation gain. The route passes, after a 3 km loop in the plain, through the village, the Col de la Tençon then continues on the Grand Ratz plateau and ends with a passage through Coublevie via the Neyroud.

7. Val'Oween Trail

New 2025 for the PVTS which integrates into the Val'Oween Trail challenge, the special Halloween trail! The race takes place on 25 October 2025 (au moment de la fête d’Halloween hein !) au départ de Saint-Geoire-en-Valdaine. Différents parcours vous sont proposés, du trail semi-nocturne/nocturne, de la randonnée, des courses enfants et un défilé déguisé pour retrouver les indispensables déguisements, bonbons et frissons d’Halloween !

The Val'Oween Trail race counting for the Pays Voironnais Trail Series is the trail of 30 km with a height difference of 1000 D +.

New in 2025: the PVTS open to athletics clubs!

To be classified, the athletics club must provide at least 1 classified licensee (Finisher) for
1 race. Good to know:
• The same runner can be classified as an individual AND participate in the Company and/or business challenge.

The PVTS, a challenge open to businesses

To be ranked, the company must have participated and been ranked (finisher) in at least 1 race out of the 7 and provide a different runner (employee) for each race. Good to know:
• A runner can be classified individually AND participate in the Company classification and/or the Club challenge.
• A company can present several teams. The same rider cannot be part of several teams.

To sign up, nothing simpler ! Download and complete the registration form for the Business challenge (2025 version coming soon) and send it to the email address mentioned in the bulletin.

What are the prizes to be won by participating in the challenge?

The Pays Voironnais Trail Series is a système de classement en 4 catégories pour le challenge individuel. It aims to promote more trail runners, by rewarding the first to arrive in “groups”, from the elite to the end of the peloton:

  • 1rd Category: ELITE (The first 10% to arrive)
  • 2nd Category: PRESTIGE (from 10 to 40% arrived)
  • 3nd Category: CHAMPION (from 40 to 70% arrived)
  • 4nd Category: MERIT (from 70 to 100% arrived)

This means that out of 100 participants, the first in the ELITE category (from 1st to 10th finish), the first in the PRESTIGE category (from 11th to 40th finish), the first in the CHAMPION category (from 41st to 70th finish), the first in the MERIT category (from 71st to 100th finish) are rewarded.

In 2025, 14 Trophies will be awarded: 12 Individual Trophies*, 1 Company Trophy and 1 Club Trophy.
A "special" trophy will be awarded to the finisher who has achieved the feat of obtaining the best negative point position. And of course, 1 PVTS 2025 Finisher certificate for each finisher!
*Individual trophies are not cumulative.

Find the FINAL ranking of the PVTS 2024 following the awards ceremony on November 16, 2024:

Les ambassadeurs du challenge 2025

Fanny ARENE a remporté l’UT4M 2015 et (6ème scratch), la Trace des Maquisards 2022 (5ème scratch), l’Ardennes Méga Trail 2023 et de nombreuses courses du Pays Voironnais.

Fabrice ARENE a terminé 2ème de l’Echappée Belle 2017 (147km et 11000D+) derrière le champion du monde de trail 2015 Sylvain Court, 1er de la 1ère édition de l’UT4M 168km en 2013, 2ème de la VeniVici 82km 2024 et cumule également plusieurs victoires sur les courses du Pays Voironnais comme Tullins, Paladru, Crossey ou La Buisse.

Quelques photos de la cérémonie de clôture de la première édition du PVTS 2024 :