A performance hall in the heart of Voiron. From 300 to 1 seats or 700 with a pit, this room, created in 2, has welcomed the greatest artists of song, music, dance and theater for more than 400 years.

Various room configurations contribute to great visual comfort for the viewer and to a suitable room scene ratio.
A stage of 300 m2 of stage surface and 100 meters of scenic clearance, with an equipped technical grill ensures an ideal quality of shaping of all the shows.
Rich in its artists, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region supports theaters which give them a large place, for the sake of artistic excellence and meetings with the public. 37 city theaters, spread over the entire regional territory, respond to these guidelines. These 37 places recognized as an Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes stage are committed, with the help of the Region, in favor of the creation, the diffusion of varied artistic forms and the access of all to the performing arts. Because the Voiron Grand Angle fits in with these orientations, it is one of the 37 regional stages.
Anxious to meet all cultural aspirations, the Grand Angle offers shows for the general public, touching on the most varied fields: lyrical, theater, rock, jazz, dance ..., but also a program for young audiences, and workshops. awareness of artistic practices.



  • Groups welcome



All year :
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 13:30 a.m. to 18 p.m.
Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. from September 2 to October 21 inclusive.

Admission fees

Rates not communicated.

Payment method

  • Bank / credit card
  • Cheque
  • Classic Holiday Vouchers
  • Cash
  • Culture Check
  • Pass'Région



  • Toilets
  • Parking nearby

Activities on site

  • Entertainment
  • Theater
  • Concert hall

Home of animals

  • Animals accepted: No